Important Dates

Visit our Academic Calendar for undergraduate deadlines for applications and course registration.

Graduate Students

As a graduate student through Penn State World Campus, you will be advised by Penn State faculty from your degree program. Penn State policies and procedures that affect the students of the Penn State Graduate School are listed and explained at the Graduate School web site.

Undeclared Undergraduate Students

If you've decided that pursuing your degree is the right choice for you, then perhaps you'd like to be able to explore which degree program will help you achieve your career goals and align with your interests. You can be in undeclared student statusfor up to four full-time semesters at Penn State.

Tuition Rates

Penn State's tuition rates vary by student level, program, residency, and primary campus location. If your primary campus location is not Penn State World Campus, the tuition reduction for World Campus courses will be calculated based on the World Campus tuition rate and not on your primary campus tuition rate.