You have more responsibilities than when you finished high school, all of which demand your time and attention, and it can be daunting to make an investment in yourself. Do any of these statements sound like you?
- I feel stuck in my current role.
- I keep getting passed up for promotions.
- I’m ready to finish my degree.
- I’ve finally figured out what I’m passionate about.
Feeling stuck
You had a good reason not to follow the “traditional” timeline and attend college right after high school, and while the job you’ve had for the past few years was great when you first started, this isn’t what you want to do for the rest of your life.
Or maybe you love what you do but you’re still getting paid the same as when you started, and now you feel like you’re ready for something more. Check out our educational planning resources to take the first step in planning your education.
Overlooked for promotions
If you’ve been in your current position for a while, you may have watched your peers get promoted to positions you want — while you can’t seem to advance. Feeling the need for a bigger challenge may mean it’s time to further your education, whether that’s earning your undergraduate degree or going for a master’s degree. Penn State is a prestigious school that can provide you with the support, community, and networking opportunities you need to achieve your goals.
Incomplete degree
Maybe you’re one of the roughly 30% of people who started college but weren’t able to continue for any variety of reasons. Stopping was the right decision at the time, but now you’re determined to finish your degree. Many Penn State World Campus students have credits they earned from prior learning.
If you were previously enrolled at Penn State, you may be able to use your credits toward a World Campus program of study. Or, if you have credits from prior learning at a different institution, you may be considered a transfer student.
Ready to follow your dreams
Not everyone knows what they want to do as soon as they graduate high school. Whether you joined the military, stayed home to raise a family, or entered the workforce right away, you may feel like your future holds something bigger. Going back to school can be the first step to achieving your goals.
The good news is you’re not alone. Every year, adult learners make the decision to start or finish their degree. And because Penn State World Campus is online, it’s easier than ever to go back to school without disrupting your life.
Browse the programs offered at Penn State World Campus and begin your application now.