Use of Self in Professional Practice: The What and How with Update from Global Research

September 25, 2020 / 12:00 pm (EDT)1:00 pm (EDT)

In this webinar, we will clarify the roots, basic concepts, processes and practices that help people to understand themselves better, use their resources in applied practice, manage how they show up and have intended impacts on others. And, the results of the first-ever, global research project, that has been recently completed by Drs. Mee Yan Cheung-Judge and David Jamieson, will be shared and discussed.

Our UoS is the primary instrument and methodology used in most professional practice. When all the education, skill development, personality factors, attitudes and values are being used, it all comes through who we are and gets filtered, screened, included, denied, managed or slipped out of us. We have awareness and strengths as well as less developed and hidden aspects of ourselves that influence all we do. Our self-understanding is our platform for becoming our best self. Our experiences and reflective learning provide our growth, choices and behavioral effectiveness over our lives. We continuously improve our effectiveness through our development of how we use ourselves in practice.
